Dept. of Surgery

Departments / Dept. of Surgery

                                           DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY

 About the Department

 It is for imparting education to UG Students on Surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology , Orthopedics and Dental  was evolved in 2003.

The study shall include the knowledge in diagnosing and managing Surgical  conditions and emergencies with Homoeopathic medicines, recognize situations which call for urgent and early treatment and make prompt referral of such patients after giving first aid or emergency  management.

Salient Features

  • NABH accredited 100 bedded teaching  Hospital with Surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology & Radio diagnosis units.
  • Full time Dental clinic with Homoeopathic care.
  • Well established full time Physiotherapy wing.
  • Department library with Text books and Reference books in Surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology , Dentistry etc...
  • Museum with Surgical  instruments, X-rays, Models, Charts, Specimens , etc..
  • ICT enabled class rooms and Audio-visual teaching aids.
  • Tie-up facility for observing  Operative surgery in Kanniyakumari Govt. Medical college Hospital, Asaripallam, Govt.  Head Quarters Hospital , Padmanabhapuram and Bensam Hospital , Nagercoil.
  • Periodical interdepartmental seminars & workshops
  • Training in First aid management, Trauma care, Wound management, Suturing, Catheterization etc.. are provided in clinical skill development centre.

Services provided

  • Screening of Surgical conditions
  • Preventive care in Surgical diseases
  • Homoeopathic management of Surgical & Oncological conditions
  • Research programmes